Children's Ministry

Children’s Ministry
Our vision for the children's ministries department here at The Upper Room is to empower, equip, and activate children to advance the Kingdom of God. It's our heart that they know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him. Children learn to know Him through the Word, they encounter Him through His presence, and adore Him through a life surrendered.
We impart the Word of God to the children by teaching with a systematic approach where they are able to hear it, see it, say it, and do it. We create an environment where the Holy Spirit is welcome and the children are positioned to encounter God's manifest presence. Worship, soaking, dancing, prophetic art, prayer, and prophecy are just some of the many ways that His presence is manifest revealing the Father's love for them. Through knowing and experiencing God, the fruit of a child's life is adoration and a life surrendered.
Teaching Schedule 1st Quarter
01. "Two Kingdoms" defines and contrasts the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of darkness
02. "Who's My Daddy?" reveals God the Creator as God our Heavenly Father
03. "God's Love Reaches Down" shows how a loving and Holy God reached through our sin
04. "Royal Mission" an invitation to God's children to bring Heaven to earth
05. "A Gift From Heaven" introduces the power of God, the Holy Spirit
06. "Smeared With God" a teaching and releasing of God's anointing
07. "Authority to Rule" the authority Jesus has given us to demonstrate His Kingdom on earth
08. "Soaking in His Presence" describes how to "be still and know God"
09. "Hearing God's Voice" how to hear and recognize when God is talking to us
10. "God's Words are Good" teaching, demonstrating and releasing the gift of prophecy
11. "God's Healing Love" a scriptural study on God's desire to heal
12. "Healing the Sick" teaches children how to minister God's love through praying for the sick
Teaching Schedule 2nd Quarter
14 "Welcome Holy Spirit" Introduces the Holy Spirit as God, Friend and Comforter
15 "A Guiding Light" Describes how the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and protects us
16 "Praying in the Spirit" Explains what happens when we use this gift
17 "A Pure Heart" Teaches how to keep and grow a heart of purity
18 "Loving the Lord" part one Our love for the Father is the echo of His love for us
19 "Loving the Lord" part two Details how we get to love God with all our being
20 A Powerful Peace" God's peace is more powerful than what the enemy can do
21 "Love Your Neighbor" Loving our neighbor as ourselves can bring Heaven to earth
22 "An Attitude of Gratitude" Thankfulness is a powerful force and an act of worship
23 "A Heart to Give" Generosity is a lifestyle and reflects the Father's heart
24 "Speaking Our Heart" Our words reveal our heart and are extremely powerful
25 "Power of Forgiveness" Forgiving others sets people free, and restores relationships
Teaching Schedule 3rd Quarter
27. "God is in a Good Mood" Reveals the goodnes of God
28. "Faith Is" A wonderful gift from Papa God
29. "Faith Pleases God" Having strong faith in God says that we know who our Father is and that He is good.
30. "Power of the Testimony I" Declaring the mighty works of God, helps us “see” and discover who our Father is.
31. "A Power of the Testimony II" Testimonies remind us who we are in God.
32. "A Love Letter" The Bible "Love letters" to us reveal His love for us.
33. "My Treasure" The Bible is a valuable treasure that feeds our spirit and equips us.
34. "Strengthen Yourself" Our strength is in His presence. The story of David.
35. "Compassion" A powerful force, brings God’s love and power together to help people.
36. "God's Glory" Revealing His power, holiness, love and awesome splendor.
37. "A Thankful Heart" Thankfulness as a act of worship brings us into a place of intimacy with God.
38. "Joy to the World" The joy of the Lord is our supernatural strength.
Teaching Schedule 4th Quarter
40. WHAT WAS GOD THINKING WHEN HE MADE YOU?--Reveals the good and true thoughts the Father has of us
41. LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN--Teaches the power of prayer (agreement, declarations) from a place of authority in Jesus
42. PRAYING GOD'S HEART--Describes intercessory prayer
43. A CULTURE OF HONOR--How royal sons and daughters walk out this Kingdom value as a lifestyle
44. GIVING HONOR-- Practical ways to demonstrate honor to whom it is due
45. COURAGE--Loving God more than the opinion of others
46. A SERVANT'S HEART--Describes Kingdom promotion through servant leadership
47. A PIECE OF THE PUZZLE--Our uniqueness and connection with others reveals the Kingdom of Heavren
48. GOOD TO GO--Our mission to bring God's Kingdom to the nations
49. SEVEN MOUNTAINS--Identifies the spheres of culture that we get to influence
50. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS--How to release the Kingdom as a son and daughter to the mountains of influence
51. FRUIT FOR A FRIEND--Describes the motivation and heart for bringing Heaven to earth
Our vision for the children's ministries department here at The Upper Room is to empower, equip, and activate children to advance the Kingdom of God. It's our heart that they know Him, encounter Him, and adore Him. Children learn to know Him through the Word, they encounter Him through His presence, and adore Him through a life surrendered.
We impart the Word of God to the children by teaching with a systematic approach where they are able to hear it, see it, say it, and do it. We create an environment where the Holy Spirit is welcome and the children are positioned to encounter God's manifest presence. Worship, soaking, dancing, prophetic art, prayer, and prophecy are just some of the many ways that His presence is manifest revealing the Father's love for them. Through knowing and experiencing God, the fruit of a child's life is adoration and a life surrendered.
Teaching Schedule 1st Quarter
01. "Two Kingdoms" defines and contrasts the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of darkness
02. "Who's My Daddy?" reveals God the Creator as God our Heavenly Father
03. "God's Love Reaches Down" shows how a loving and Holy God reached through our sin
04. "Royal Mission" an invitation to God's children to bring Heaven to earth
05. "A Gift From Heaven" introduces the power of God, the Holy Spirit
06. "Smeared With God" a teaching and releasing of God's anointing
07. "Authority to Rule" the authority Jesus has given us to demonstrate His Kingdom on earth
08. "Soaking in His Presence" describes how to "be still and know God"
09. "Hearing God's Voice" how to hear and recognize when God is talking to us
10. "God's Words are Good" teaching, demonstrating and releasing the gift of prophecy
11. "God's Healing Love" a scriptural study on God's desire to heal
12. "Healing the Sick" teaches children how to minister God's love through praying for the sick
Teaching Schedule 2nd Quarter
14 "Welcome Holy Spirit" Introduces the Holy Spirit as God, Friend and Comforter
15 "A Guiding Light" Describes how the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and protects us
16 "Praying in the Spirit" Explains what happens when we use this gift
17 "A Pure Heart" Teaches how to keep and grow a heart of purity
18 "Loving the Lord" part one Our love for the Father is the echo of His love for us
19 "Loving the Lord" part two Details how we get to love God with all our being
20 A Powerful Peace" God's peace is more powerful than what the enemy can do
21 "Love Your Neighbor" Loving our neighbor as ourselves can bring Heaven to earth
22 "An Attitude of Gratitude" Thankfulness is a powerful force and an act of worship
23 "A Heart to Give" Generosity is a lifestyle and reflects the Father's heart
24 "Speaking Our Heart" Our words reveal our heart and are extremely powerful
25 "Power of Forgiveness" Forgiving others sets people free, and restores relationships
Teaching Schedule 3rd Quarter
27. "God is in a Good Mood" Reveals the goodnes of God
28. "Faith Is" A wonderful gift from Papa God
29. "Faith Pleases God" Having strong faith in God says that we know who our Father is and that He is good.
30. "Power of the Testimony I" Declaring the mighty works of God, helps us “see” and discover who our Father is.
31. "A Power of the Testimony II" Testimonies remind us who we are in God.
32. "A Love Letter" The Bible "Love letters" to us reveal His love for us.
33. "My Treasure" The Bible is a valuable treasure that feeds our spirit and equips us.
34. "Strengthen Yourself" Our strength is in His presence. The story of David.
35. "Compassion" A powerful force, brings God’s love and power together to help people.
36. "God's Glory" Revealing His power, holiness, love and awesome splendor.
37. "A Thankful Heart" Thankfulness as a act of worship brings us into a place of intimacy with God.
38. "Joy to the World" The joy of the Lord is our supernatural strength.
Teaching Schedule 4th Quarter
40. WHAT WAS GOD THINKING WHEN HE MADE YOU?--Reveals the good and true thoughts the Father has of us
41. LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN--Teaches the power of prayer (agreement, declarations) from a place of authority in Jesus
42. PRAYING GOD'S HEART--Describes intercessory prayer
43. A CULTURE OF HONOR--How royal sons and daughters walk out this Kingdom value as a lifestyle
44. GIVING HONOR-- Practical ways to demonstrate honor to whom it is due
45. COURAGE--Loving God more than the opinion of others
46. A SERVANT'S HEART--Describes Kingdom promotion through servant leadership
47. A PIECE OF THE PUZZLE--Our uniqueness and connection with others reveals the Kingdom of Heavren
48. GOOD TO GO--Our mission to bring God's Kingdom to the nations
49. SEVEN MOUNTAINS--Identifies the spheres of culture that we get to influence
50. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS--How to release the Kingdom as a son and daughter to the mountains of influence
51. FRUIT FOR A FRIEND--Describes the motivation and heart for bringing Heaven to earth